Learning and Leading with Technology (L&L)
Focus/Goals of Journal-L&L, written by educators, provides practical ideas for using technology to enhance learning in the classroom, curriculum and administration.
According to the site, contributors are “typically superintendents, school administrators, district- and building-level technology coordinators, heads of schools, faculty, classroom teachers, library media specialists, and teacher educators”. It is requested that a query be sent before submitting a manuscript.
Peer Reviewed-No
Available Online-Yes, for members of ISTE.
I find this journal helpful for several reasons. It is written in a conversational manner, making it an “easy” read. The ideas presented in this journal have practical application for the educator in the trenches. I was aware of L&L as I’ve read several articles from this journal for other grad classes.
The Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment
Focus/Goals of Journal-This journal focuses on how educators can best meld assessment, technology and learning theories in this time of changing pedagogy due to proliferation of technology.
Submission Guidelines-Due to restructuring within this journal, submissions are not being accepted at this time.
Peer Reviewed-Yes
Available Online-Yes. It appears no membership fee is required.
This journal addresses an important topic in education today--how pedagogy and student expectations are/should change due to the infusion of technology in our world. It is a bonus that the journal is available on-line with no costs attached. There is a subscribe feature which allows you to receive an e-mail when new articles are posted. There were several features that caught my attention, especially those on 1:1 laptop initiatives. I was not aware of this publication before this review.
AACE Journal--Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education
Focus/Goals of Journal-The goal of this journal is to advance the use of technology in education.
Following the link gives you all the 411 on submission. In broad strokes, an article must be “scientifically accurate”, written in appropriate form and original. Articles previously published in another venue are not eligible for submission.
Peer Reviewed-Yes.
Available Online-Yes with attached membership fee.
I did not find this journal useful for a few reasons. First, full access required a membership fee, which I didn’t want to pay. Secondly, this site was quite user “UN”-friendly. Maybe it would be easier to navigate with a paid subscription?? I've not encountered this publication before.
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