Since our media center serves as the liaison to the technology department (housed at our high school campus), we keep a number of machines around the circ desk for a variety of reasons that include, but are not limited to: machines going to tech for repair, machines repaired by tech awaiting student pick up, machines being held for discipline reasons (some can be checked out on a daily basis, some only on an “as needed” basis), replacement bags and loaner machines. It can, on occasion, be a nightmare keeping up with all these computers, their peripheral accessories and their “status”.
On thing we have in place is a web based ticket system. When a machine comes to the library for repair, a ticket is submitted with student name, ID number, grade and a description of the problem. Since the ticket database has a search option and is archived, you can go back and look for clarification about a specific computer. This has been helpful in many cases. My aide and I try to include as much information as we can about any problems so that, if called upon, we can remember what happened and when. While this may sound “elementary”, it’s truly amazing how many different scenarios can occur with approximately 300 students, 40 teachers and their computers.
Another organizational tool we are beginning to implement is the use of Google docs to track our loaners. Using Google docs allows us to “share” with the technology the number of loaners on our campus, who has them checked out and why.
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